Two carols from Mark Tredinnick's new collections, Nine Carols, were performed by the Australian Chamber Choir at its Baroque Christmas 2013.
Here is what critic Daniel Brace (classikON) had to say:
We were treated to the world premiere of two new works, The Carol of the Crows and The Carol of the Butcherbird, with text by Mark Tredinnick and music by Alan Holley. The poems come from a collection which is newly available from Five Islands Press in a lovely illustrated edition (great Xmas present) and they are complex and entertaining, great material for choral writing. Being the first time the works had been performed I wish I had the text in front of me, as there was some beautiful word painting and play with the hints of birdsong in the music. The choir sang with passion and conviction and I do hope there are plans underway for the rest of the texts to be set to music by Alan.