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The best laid plans...

We had it all worked out: spreadsheets and everything. Nobody should have to wait a moment longer than necessary to know the outcome of a submissions process. Everybody who responded to our call for submissions would be informed whether or not we would request a full manuscript--and this would happen on the very day the shortlist was finalised. Everything was tested, and worked like clockwork.

Until it didn't. We were told we had sent out too many emails in one day, and most of them were to addresses to which we had not previously sent emails. So we were obviously spammers; our emails would be flagged as spam. Our outgoing emails were blocked, and emails we had already sent started bouncing back from all over the place.

We think we have unscrambled the egg, and everyone who made a submission has now been informed of the outcome. But if you have not heard the outcome of your submission, please accept our apologies and send an email to We will get back to you as soon as we can.

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