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"The Making of a Poem" Recording of the Virtual Launch

 A book for every lover of poetry
A book for every lover of poetry

Many thanks to all who made the virtual launch of Rosanna McGlone's important new book such a success: to Rosanna, of course, for entrusting her brilliant idea to 5 Islands Press; to Benjamin Dodds, for his skillful and insightful chairing of the event; to the participating poets who, after contributing so generously to the book, and shared additional insights into their creative processes; to the inimitable George Szirtes, who shared the fruits of may years of careful thought about the craft of poetry; and to all those who attended and expressed their appreciation for the wonderful gift we were all being given by these people. It was a truly memorable event.

If you missed it, all is not lost. A recording of the event is available below.

Benjamin Dodds chairs the virtual launch of "The Making of a Poem"

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